Monday, 12 November 2007

hague, murdoch, europe

Hague in h of c producing a huge list of ifs about europe and a ballot on the constitution, suggesting that the whole thing might end up with the Conservatives doing something (presumably renegotiate the Euro treaty) if all the ifs are fullfilled. Which the Tories would never do.
Odd really. Murdoch papers seem kind of lukewarm pro-Tory at the moment, but really very anti-Europe. The Murdoch empire interest looks really to be about getting into China at the moment and he seems to favour a weakened Europe and a stronger America as his best way in.
I suspect Murdoch knows that the Tories would never significantly challenge the European Union structure (Thatcher for all her huff and puff never did), so he won't get too excited about Hague's tub thumping, except insofar as it might embarrass Brown over Europe...

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